Wednesday, March 2, 2011

James Franco Matters

According to pretty much everyone, James Franco made a mess of the Oscars. His smirking grin and borderline-stoned presentation managed to offend almost everyone, especially as pitted against Anne Hathaway's endless bubbly cheer. I'm wondering though, if maybe this wasn't another one of Franco's stunts- like playing a tortured artist on General Hospital, or rallying a bunch of Yale undergraduates to take a film class on Franco, taught by Franco, in which they will edit together documentary footage of.... do I even have to say? Franco appears to be attempting to turn his off-screen life into as much of a soundstage as his film shoots. He gets to be Franco the short story writer, Franco the professor/Ph.D. student, and Franco the stoner, all while gathering shocked journalists and increasingly confused teenaged girls in his wake and endlessly building the buzz around Franco the person. But his performance at the Oscars was so half-assed it almost had to be a put on. It left me wondering: Is Franco actually an egotistical dilettante ? Or is that just what he wants us to think?

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