Thursday, April 28, 2011

Death By Coconut

One of the things I love about the internet is that it provides outlets to people with a lot of free time on their hands. Some create you tube videos, others constantly twitter. Most of the effort is wasted on making useless data, but occasionally something pops up that took someone hours upon hours to make that is actually really worthwhile which would have never been read by millions had the internet not been invented? discovered? created?

A while back, ABC news reported that you are more likely to die from a falling coconut then get eaten by a shark. They claimed 150 people a year die from falling coconuts. SPF lathered tourists around the world stepped more cautiously. Someone with a lot of time on their hands didn't believe it and did some pretty extensive research to show the public how ABC arrived at this ridiculous claim.

I'm still impressed at the fact that I can benefit from their hours of time spent on a relatively meaningless (but due to Gazelle's post, now poignant) topic, free of cost. My personal favorite "wayyyy to much time" internet creation is a analysis of what really happened during the Soprano's finale. If your not a fan of the show, you might still be able to appreciate the rediculous amount of time that went into this breakdown. Enjoy

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